Morro Bay LibraryMay 2010
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Morro Bay Library

A Life Reinvented, A Classic on Many Truths, A "Lost" Novel, and a
Local Biographer of a Legendary Mountaineer Are on the Morro Bay Library Book Discussions Menu

Books ranging from the story of a middle-aged woman who sets out to renovate her entire life to a classic about truth in many simple forms to a recently-discovered novel of an Auschwitz victim--plus the appearance of a local author who wrote the biography of a legendary California mountaineer--make up four discussions in May hosted by the Morro Bay Friends of the Library starting on Wednesday, May 5.

The gatherings will be in the Morro Bay Library, 625 Harbor St. from 10 a.m. to noon, and are free to the public. Residents are invited to attend, listen, or interact in the weekly book discussions whether they have read the books or not.

One of the Friends' ongoing book sales also is scheduled on May 8.

May 5 - Blue Shoe

Written by Anne Lamott, Blue Shoe, a 2002 novel, is first up and tells about newly-separated Mattie Ryder, a slightly neurotic but well-intentioned, funny, religious, sarcastic, tender, angry and broke middle-aged woman, as she moves back into her childhood home, recently-vacated by her elderly mother, and how she goes about creating her life anew.

May 12 - All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum is the topic of the Friends' ongoing Inspirational Wednesdays program, which explores "the uncommon thoughts on common things" and how we can take those simple lessons and apply them to our lives.

His collection of essays about truth in everyday form was an instant classic when published in 1988. It dominated the New York Times Bestseller List for all of 1989 and much of 1990 and was the second longest No. 1 bestseller in 23 years. Fulghum writes about the shoe repairman who leaves cookies in the shoes he can’t fix, the homely Indian who becomes beautiful when he dances and the small deaf boy who wants to rake Fulghum’s leaves.

His philosophical musings go with dreams, imagination, hope, laughter, and love mixed with random thoughts about dandelions, medicine cabinets, and the vices of excessive tidiness, often quirky and always thought-provoking.

May 19 - Fire in the Blood

Fire in the Blood by Irene Nemirovsky was thought to be lost after she was taken to her death in 1942 in Auschwitz at age 40. But biographers discovered the manuscript in papers she had given to her editor for safekeeping. Her first novel, Suite Francaise, also survived as it was was smuggled out of her house in a suitcase by her escaping daughters.

The narrative follows three interwoven stories across two decades. Set in a small French Village in the years before Word War II, the tales are centered on hot-blooded affairs of youth that threaten the cool calm of middle age. One reviewer said, "the last lines lodge in your heart like a sliver."

May 26 - Robert C. Pavlik

Local author Robert C. Pavlik, who wrote Norman Clyde, Legendary Mountaineer of California’s Sierra Nevada, will read from this biography of one of the most illustrious Sierra mountaineers of the first half of the 20th century. He also will share an exciting slide show of places the explorer experienced in the beautiful Sierra Nevada.

Clyde made more than 100 first ascents and was the first person to climb more than 100 peaks throughout western North America. In his lifetime, he climbed more than 1,000 peaks, an accomplishment achieved without the aid of today's technology or support.

Pavlik is an environmental planner and historian with the California Department of Transportation and was raised in the San Fernando Valley. He grew up in the mountains of California, hiking, climbing, and traveling to remote places of quiet beauty throughout the state. He graduated with a degree in liberal studies and anthropology from California State University at Northridge in 1979 and received a teaching credential from San Francisco State University in 1981.
Pavlik has worked as a State Park Ranger in Big Sur, an environmental education instructor in Yosemite National Park, and as an historian for the National Park Service in Yosemite. Following the completion of his masters degree in history from the University of California, Santa Barbara, he worked for over six years as state historian at Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument from 1986 to 1993. He has been active in the Cal Poly Library Associates, Heritage Shared and the Carrizo Plain National Monument Advisory Committee. He and his wife, Rayena, reside in San Luis Obispo.

Want to Share or Learn About a Special Book?
Friends of the Library Have Just the Order for You

Ever read a wonderful book and wish you could talk about it with someone and share the joy that only a book holds? Or ever have someone tell you about a good book and after falling in love with it, you shudder that otherwise you would might never have discovered it?

If either of those situations clicks with you, then the Morro Bay Friends of the Library have just the right book discussions coming up. Participants can either tell about books that have impressed them or just listen and find out about books that may impress you.

Normally, there are assigned books that the regular discussion groups review and discuss on those Wednesdays. But no books were assigned this month, so anyone can come and share their own individual choices this time.

The Friends have a range of offerings for anyone who likes the idea of discussing books they just read, who just wants to learn more about a book before reading it or who wants to meet and hear local authors describe their books and experiences behind them. The regular Friends schedule calls for:

Discussion groups to meet regularly each Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon.

--On the first and third Wednesdays, the basic readers discussion group meets to discuss certain assigned books that participants have planned to read and then discuss.

--The second Wednesdays are "Inspirational Wednesdays," which are devoted to reviewing and discussing thought-provoking books from leading authors who are guides to change, growth and self-acceptance. It presents an opportunity for readers to reflect and enjoy the opportunity of discussing books that can help change our world for the better.

--On the fourth and fifth Wednesdays, the Friends host local authors or artists who share their talents through readings, conversations, special presentations, demonstrations, and/or workshops.

Friends holds regular book sales to raise funds for the library. The next one is on Saturday, May 8, at the Library. Members only will be admitted to the sale from 9 to 10 a.m. with the public sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A $3 per bag sale will be from 1 to 2 p.m.

Friends also provide volunteers to support library services and operations, publish a newsletter distributed throughout the community four times a year and build and maintain awareness of library needs and services throughout the community. For more information contact .

The programs are all free and open to everyone. More information on book lists, discussion dates, and/or the events schedule is available at .


Pipevine Swallowtail image on banner by Jerry Kirkhart
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