Get InvolvedSeptember 2010
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Living History
Photo by: Mike Baird   
Living History characters - Spooner Ranch House - Montana de Oro State Park. From Left to Right - Debi Dismer as Mrs. Calloway, Earline Ferrell as Mrs. Baxter, Phoebe Adams as Mrs. Thompson, Rosemary Thorne as Mrs. Thorne, Joyce Cory as Mrs. McAbee.

Mrs. Mcabee
Photo by: Mike Baird   Spooner Ranch House - Montaña de Oro State Park - Living History character: Mrs. McAbee, played by Joyce Cory 

Ongoing Community Volunteer Opportunities

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California State Parks - Actors and Actresses

California State Parks is looking for a few actors and actresses interested in portraying the ranching and/or Native American history of Montana de Oro State Park.

The Docent group at that park has been conducting Living History, in which individuals research the lives of persons living in the late 1800s-early 1900s, dress in period costume, and give presentations - alone or in groups - to portray those characters or fictitious ones who have characteristics of actual historic figures. Our group of volunteer Living History Docents has decided to retire, but will be available to coach and advise new volunteers. To the extent possible, we use historic accounts, local histories, letters, newspaper clippings, historic photographs, and other historic archives to create as authentic an experience as possible. We hope to offer presentations at least one day a month, and two days would be better. Schedule is negotiable.

Options are open at this point. You could:

*Present in first-person, as a real or fictitious (but based on fact) figure, speaking about that person's life as if it were your own.

*Present in third-person, speaking generally about life in the historic period represented (for example, as a ranch hand or houseworker).

*Recreate a real or fictitious Native American person from any period prior to the present, and especially in or prior to the ranching period.

*Recreate a real or fictitious ranching person from the late 1800s-early 1900s.

*Continue one of the current Living History characters if this piques your interest.

Skills in costume and/or clothing-making are helpful, but not essential. Funding may be available to help defray the cost of period costumes and/or artifact replicas. For further information, please contact:

, Montana de Oro Docent Chair, , Montana de Oro Living History Chair, or , Manager, Morro Bay Museum of Natural History

We look forward to meeting you and working with you to continue this very effective approach to teaching history to State Park visitors.



We invite local, non-profit groups to send information about themselves and volunteer opportunities in the Los Osos to Cambria area. Send your submission to before the 25th of the month with the subject line: Get Involved Listing Request.

We reserve the right to decline any request we receive. Material we find offensive in any way will not be published.

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News, Editorials, & Commentary
--Morro Bay's Disenfranchised Voters
--Morro Bay Power Plant May Change Hands
--Morro Bay Library Begins 25th Year With New Outlook
--New Information Casts More Doubt on Redevelopment Study
--Wastewater Treatment Plant Issue Divides Candidates
--Wastewater Treatment Plant Moves Forward
--Dial-A-Ride Cutbacks Hearing
--Morro Bay City Salaries Disclosed

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