About the Slo Coast Journal
The Slo Coast Journal is all about small town and rural life in one of the finest, most beautiful areas of the country. An amazing collection of eclectic, fascinating, and talented individuals from all walks of life have chosen to make this part of the coast their home. Those who don't already live here, wonder how they can make the move.
Our writers are an enthusiastic group of people who are on these pages to share their love of this special place. In case you are wondering, each is asked to pick a favorite animal for their banner. Some are a bit perplexing, but, oh well. Not only are the writers enthusiastic, they are sometimes a bit - ahh - let's say "unique." We welcome your input, suggestions, and, of course, praise. Read More
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Just for Fun
Take a break - work a quick crossword puzzle, test your level of competency with Sudoku, and smile. Play
Letters to the Editor
From: Anne Sidaris-Reeves
Morro Bay
While watching the kids from the Tot Lot pitch wild balls with their imaginary friends over the plate on the "Letters Page"- has been mildly amusing, it comes at a cost in that the people of Morro Bay are being deprived of information necessary to cast an intelligent, thoughtful vote in our November election.
The major issue:
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Stan's Place
It is mainly in tribute to Stan that the Slo Coast Journal was conceived. He loved this community and the people in it. One of the things he shared with me was how important it was that we all have a voice. He felt that we should be reminded of how fortunate we are to live here, because we often take our place for granted. We in small communities have something to hold on to - the ability to know our neighbors and to understand how we all contribute to the lives of each other. Stan enabled that through his columns. Hopefully we at the Journal will continue, in our own way, that service to you.
I'm no Stan Thompson. I can't write like he did or capture that warmth and generosity of spirit he shared through his columns. But others will be here to continue to introduce you to your neighbors. When you read these pages, please think of our Stan and smile. Read More
Peregrine Falcon image on banner by