Slo Coast ArtsFebruary 2012
Home The Business of the Journal Town Business It's Our Nature Slo Coast Life Slo Coast Arts Archives
Big Bad & Ugly Surf Contest
Big, Bad & Ugly Surf Contest 2009 by Kevin Cole
Morro Rock
Morro Rock by Dennis Young
USCG Surf Boat
USCG Surf Boats by Malcolm Riordan
Frankie & Lolas
Best Breakfast and Lunch Around!
1154 Front Street
For Lunch and Dinner, Head to
Mis Lola's Southside Grill
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Peregrine Falcon image on banner by

Genie's Pocket by Jeanie Greensfelder

Unveiling the Sun

Paring a garnet yam, I unveil the sun.
Peeling a round onion, I hold the moon.
Both grew below ground,
and journeyed to this sacrificial moment.
Slicing with care, sautéing in olive oil,
adding garlic, spinach and a portabella,
I see earth and sky unite.

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Great Shots by Jerry Kirkhart & Steve Corey

Our photo editors bring you some of their favorite coastal images for the month. This month's featured local photographers are Don Henderson, Michelle Maani, Bill Bouton, Patrick James, James O'Donnell, Dallis Richardson, Ronnie Goyette, Gary Powell, Mike Baird, Marlin Harms, Steve Corey, Alice Cahill, Elizabeth Haslam, Mimi Ditchie, Jerry Kirkhart, Jim Radford, Linda Tanner, Howard Ignatius, Joyce Cory, Beth Sargent, Rob Bishop, Don Quintana, Nan Calora, Bob Canepa, and Cheryl Strahl. See More

Morro Photo Expo

If you've been reading the Slo Coast Journal, you've seen the great opportunities for photography our area presents. If you're a new reader, check out the Great Shots section and you'll see what we mean!

Whether you're a skilled photographer or a beginner, you'll have the opportunity to hone your skills at the Morro Photo Expo, March 30-April 1 2012. This year's expo features 40+ events with 110+ hours of information-packed workshops, portfolio reviews, field trips, and social events. Read More

One Poet's Perspective by Jane Elsdon

Girl's Night

With excitement
joy and laughter
her granddaughters
decreed the evening
Girls Night
dedicated it
to fun and frivolity
for girls of all ages

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Opera SLO by Kathryn Bumpass

This spring Opera San Luis Obispo inaugurates two new offerings designed to enrich opera devotees' experiences and forge closer ties in the community. A salon-style series of vocal recitals begins February 19, with a program entitled ‘That's Amore!," an operatic Valentine featuring mezzo-soprano Sarah Kleeman and tenor Ben Gulley. The young husband and wife team will sing romantic arias and duets from Turandot, La Boheme, The Daughter of the Regiment, The Magic Flute,and Faust. Read More

Shutterbugs featuring Aidan Briggs

The Central Coast is a beautiful place to live and an absolute paradise for nature photographers. From the wide-open expanses of the Carizo Plains to the sandy beaches and rocky shores along the ocean, San Luis Obispo County is a treasure trove full of photography opportunities. In fact, it is the natural beauty of the area that initially piqued my interest in photography. Read More


From War to Peace


Howard Ignatius
Valencia Peak Panorama by Howard Ignatius
Site Menu

The Business of the Journal
—About the Slo Coast Journal
—Just for Fun
—Letters to the Editor
—Stan's Place
—Writers Index

The Business of Our Towns
—Morro Bay Library Events
—Morro Bay Police File

It's Our Nature
—A Bird's Eye View
—Coastland Contemplations
—Elfin Forest
—Exploring the Coast
—Marine Sanctuaries
—Sweet Springs Reflections

Slo Coast Arts
—Genie's Pocket
—Great Shots
—Morro Photo Expo
—One Poet's Perspective
—Opera SLO

Slo Coast Life
—Behind the Badge
—Best Friends
—California State Parks
—Double Vision
—Feel Better Forever
—Go Green
—The Human Condition
—Medical Myth Busting
—Observations of a Country Squire
—Slo Coast Cooking
Surfing Out of the Box
—Under the Tongue

News, Editorials, & Commentary
—Diablo Canyon Seismic Safety Conference Provides Cold Comfort
—MB/CSD Reactivate Controversial Lobbyist to Push WWT
—National Physicians Group Weighs in on Risks to Health from Wireless Technology
—Public Blamed for MB/CSD Sewer Plant Delays, Wasted Costs
—The Similar Effects of Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation and Non-Ionizing
Radiation from Background Environmental Levels of Exposure
—Two Groups Who Make Giving a Yearlong Event

All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Individual Writers.
Do not use without express written permission.