The Business of Our TownsFebruary 2012
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Mike Baird Herons
Young Herons by Mike Baird 
Steve Corey
Ladybug Sipping Morning Dew by Steve Corey
Akbash Goats near Point Buchon from Jeanie Greensfelder
Frankie & Lolas
Best Breakfast Around!
1154 Front Street
For Dinner, Head to

Community Calendar

Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom will be the honored guest at the San Luis Obispo County Democratic Party's inaugural "Dining with the Stars" event.  The party will be held on February 24, at 6:00 PM at The Fairways at Dairy Creek.

The Lieutenant Governor will join John Laird, California's Resources Secretary in celebrating local Democrat volunteers and organizations.  A no-host cocktail hour will open the evening, followed by dinner and dancing.

"We are delighted to welcome the Lieutenant Governor to the Central Coast", said Pat Harris, Chair of the SLO County Democratic Party.  "We have been working on the arrangements for months and we look forward to introducing him to the people of the county."  Harris said the fundraiser event will help to fund expanded office space and increased visibility during the 2012 campaign season.

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Morro Bay Library Events by Christine Johnson

Yes, that's our most important reminder to the community from the Morro Bay Friends of the Library this month.  Every year the Friends' book sales get bigger and better with a fabulous selection of books and materials at phenomenal prices.  All proceeds of our quarterly sales go directly to fund activities and materials at the Library.  See you there—details below!Read More   (Seriously - read more. Words are brain aerobics.)

Morro Bay Police Department File

The following are merely highlights taken from hundreds of hours of work output of the Morro Bay PD during the month of January.      

"In the early morning hours of January 1st, officers responded to a residence in the 900 block of Morro Bay Boulevard regarding a disturbance in progress. Upon arrival, officers determined that a 63-year-old woman was attacking her 86-year-old mother, resulting in significant physical injuries. Officers arrested the woman for felony elder abuse, domestic violence battery, and a violation of a court order. The woman was booked into the county jail. The elderly mother is now in the care of other family members. The suspect had moved in with her mother and had been living with her for about the past four months."

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The Business of Our Towns
—Morro Bay Library Events
—Morro Bay Police File

It's Our Nature
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—Coastland Contemplations
—Elfin Forest
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—Sweet Springs Reflections

Slo Coast Arts
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—Opera SLO

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—Best Friends
—California State Parks
—Double Vision
—Feel Better Forever
—Go Green
—The Human Condition
—Medical Myth Busting
—Observations of a Country Squire
—Slo Coast Cooking
Surfing Out of the Box
—Under the Tongue

News, Editorials, & Commentary
—Diablo Canyon Seismic Safety Conference Provides Cold Comfort
—MB/CSD Reactivate Controversial Lobbyist to Push WWT
—National Physicians Group Weighs in on Risks to Health from Wireless Technology
—Public Blamed for MB/CSD Sewer Plant Delays, Wasted Costs
—The Similar Effects of Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation and Non-Ionizing
Radiation from Background Environmental Levels of Exposure
—Two Groups Who Make Giving a Yearlong Event

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