Genie's PocketJune 2011
Home The Business of the Journal Town Business It's Our Nature Slo Coast Life Slo Coast Arts Archives


Community Adventure

Nestled in the nook of a cedar tree
a Great Horned Owl and her owlets
spy me spying them—
the parent alert and wary,
the babies curious and cute,
and suddenly I’m
Jane Goodall in Gombe National Park.

Their feathers blend with the bark
in perfect camouflage, but this tree
is on a street at a school crosswalk.
Children scream and point,
drivers slow down for peeks,
photographers aim foot-long lenses,
and birders bring binoculars,
camping into the night.

        We all want some.


What I Like Best

In the film, City of Angels, an angel asks,
So what do you like best?

I'd say, I like how 
the breeze embraces me,
clears my concerns, 
lets trees murmur,
opens me to mystery,
makes me light, like I could fly,
as if you, Angel, were waving your wings.




Jeanie Greensfelder

Psychologist, poet,
Hospice of SLO volunteer . . . 

Playing House

We made a dollhouse—
four stories plus a roof garden.
Brick contact paper on plywood
served as a door. A bell was added,
and lights covered by ping pong balls
lit up under each shelf.

The perfect family moved in:
Mom, Dad, a boy, a girl and a baby.
My daughter let the girl doll rule:
she left the baby crying in the crib,
sent her brother to his room,
made Mom eat broccoli and sauerkraut,
told Dad to clean up the roof garden
and like Nero, my daughter sang
as the girl doll hurled furniture.

After the satisfaction of being in charge,
she wanted the stage reset and to start over—
ring the bell, open the door and call the shots,
leaving me wishing I could start all over,
ring the bell, open the door and call the shots.



A Johnny-Jump-Up
jumps from an asphalt crack,
yellow and purple face proud—
like a flag on the moon
staking nature’s claim.

Site Menu

The Business of the Journal
About the Slo Coast Journal
Just for Fun
Letters to the Editor
Stan's Place
Writers Index

The Business of Our Towns
Community Calendar
Morro Bay Library Events
Morro Bay Police File
Quotable Quotes

It's Our Nature
A Bird's Eye View
Coastland Contemplations
Elfin Forest
Marine Sanctuaries
Ocean Creatures
Sweet Springs Reflections

Slo Coast Arts
Art Talk
Genie's Pocket
Great Shots
One Poet's Perspective
Opera SLO

Slo Coast Life
Behind the Badge
Best Friends
California State Parks
   — A Sense of Place
A Community Can
Double Vision
Far Horizons
Feel Better Forever
Free Live Music
Grow, Learn, Eat
Heaven Can Wait
Medical Myth Busting
Observations of a Country Squire
Surfing Out of the Box
Under the Tongue
Upcoming Political Events

News, Editorials & Commentary
Could Morro Bay Power Plant Run Forever?
A Multi-Million Dollar Missed Opportunity
—Nuclear Neighbors Waking Up
Oil Tanks Removal at Power Plant Postponed
 —PG&E Whistleblower Fingers Diablo Safety Dangers
Questions Surround New Wastewater Treatment Plant Plan
Tragedy of the Commons Revisited:
The High Tech-High Risk Wireless World

Informational Town Hall Meeting on Proposed Closure of Morro Strand State Beach

All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Individual Writers.
Do not use without express written permission.