Letters to the EditorJune 2011
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Dear Editor,

From: David Weston
Arroyo Grande

A friend turned me on to the Journal a few months ago and I'm hooked! Your news writers are top notch, especially Jack McCurdy. This guy is amazing! Our politicians might not appreciate his work, but I wish he and the Journal were covering the towns south of Los Osos. Watchdogs like him, Linda Stedjee, and Cindy Sage add a quality and depth not found in any other local new sources - online and off. Pay attention Tribune - you are looking like amatuers next to the upstart Journal. Bay News? What a joke you've become!

From: Steve (Last name withheld on request.)
San Luis Obispo

What is wrong with you people? No one needs to hear anymore of that liberal claptrap you peddle. It makes me and all this county sick just reading this spit. You are ruining this country and we're going to take it back. Then we will shut down you and everyone else who trys to poison the minds of we good people in this county. You are a sick, meddling rag. Let the politicians alone. They have to do things that maybe aren't to your liking, but it is none of your business anyway. You don't know what is really going on and should let the ones smarter than you do what needs to be done. It may not be pretty but thats another reason why no one needs to know. Stop voting because you people obviously don't know what is best for us. You just care about yourselves but don't mind your own business. I bet you won't print this because everything has to agree with you and your stupid Communist liberal ways to be there.

[From Editor: You lose the bet, Steve. Pay up.]



Morro Rock Morning
Photo by Judy Sullivan:
Morro Rock Morning

Linda Tanner
Photo by Linda Tanner:
Los Osos Barn

Photo by Dave Johnson:
Quiet Day at the MB Harbor

From: Jennie Clark
Los Osos

There are no listings in the community calendar for events in Los Osos. What's up with that?

[Note from the Editor: We get our events from notifications and Chamber of Commerce websites. None have been listed on the Los Osos Chamber's site for months now. Perhaps you could light a fire under them.]

From: Daryl and Melinda Jackson
Los Osos

We are so excited about the people in Morro Bay who are involved in the Sunset Magazine gardening contest. Between our garden and the local farmers' markets, our diets are healthy, pesticide free, and delicious! We grow almost all of our vegetables for the year, packing and freezing enough to even share with friends. What we don't grow, comes from the farmers' markets, especially the one here on 2nd Street. Our two kids have never experienced canned vegetables. There was one exception - our six-year-old had peas from a can at a neighbors and asked "what happened to these?"

Good luck to Gibsey Beckett and her neighbors. What a joy that feast will be! We're even inspired to start a beer garden. Let's hope your article encourages lots of locals to start their own gardens.

We welcome your letters and will publish them here each month. Please include your name and location. When you submit a letter to the editor, we assume all rights to use your words and name as given. Opinions given are not necessarily those of the Journal, its contributors, or anyone else on the planet. We reserve the right to not publish any that we consider to be abusive or inappropriate in content or language, is obscene, defamatory, or meant to incite violence. Keep it short. Don't use this forum for commercial purposes or violate copyrights.

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A Multi-Million Dollar Missed Opportunity
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 —PG&E Whistleblower Fingers Diablo Safety Dangers
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Informational Town Hall Meeting on Proposed Closure of Morro Strand State Beach

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