The Business of Our TownsJune 2011
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Mike Baird Herons
Young Herons by Mike Baird 

Steve Corey
Ladybug Sipping Morning Dew by Steve Corey

Mike Baird Sailboat
Sailing Near Morro Rock by Mike Baird

Frankie & Lolas
Yummy Hummus!

Community Calendar

The Morro Bay Music Festival, a Peddler's Faire in Cayucos, the Morro Bay Triathlon, a play at the theater in Cambria, the annual Craft Fair in Cambria, the Cambria Chamber of Commerce Business Showcase,and lots more is happening in June. Read More 

Morro Bay Library Events

Thank you, Morro Bay, for the fantastic support of your Morro Bay Library in May!  It was wonderful to be with so many Library supporters enjoying fine wines—and an even finer bay view—at the Morro Bay Wine Seller fundraiser.  Here's what's happening in June at your Morro Bay Library!  Read More   (Seriously - read more. Words are brain aerobics.)

Quotable Quotes

What do our leaders have to say for themselves? Maybe you don't want to know. But if your heart is strong . . .

""God, we have come away, been doing this for a long time to get to this point. Now, my understanding is that even if we do not uphold the appeal, if . . . we're still not dead in the water as far as looking at other sites. And Noah says we're sort of locked in but that's not what I understand. We're not. So I think we have time to keep moving ahead . . . I made a kind of funny little remark, I say, moses comes down and says, hey, boys, move it over here, well, then we will stop and do it immediately. But right now there really hasn't been a really solid other place to move it. And I believe we should move on with this project and keep our eyes open and ears opens and maybe something else will pop up. But I don't think we should stop this project at all." George Leage, Morro Bay City Council members, January 11, Council meeting."

Read More (Just don't blame us - you elected these guys.)

And speaking of crimes:

Morro Bay Police Department File

In the late afternoon of April 30th, an officer came upon an occupied truck with a expired registration parked in the 300 block of Atascadero Road. The subjects had several questionable electronics in the truck. One of the subjects lied about his name to conceal the fact that he had a felony warrant for assault with a deadly weapon. The ensuing investigation resulted in the one subject being arrested for the felony warrant and possession of methamphetamine. The electronics did not come back stolen and the other occupants were released at the scene. The truck was towed for having an expired registration in excess of six months.  Read More

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News, Editorials & Commentary
Could Morro Bay Power Plant Run Forever?
A Multi-Million Dollar Missed Opportunity
—Nuclear Neighbors Waking Up
Oil Tanks Removal at Power Plant Postponed
 —PG&E Whistleblower Fingers Diablo Safety Dangers
Questions Surround New Wastewater Treatment Plant Plan
Tragedy of the Commons Revisited:
The High Tech-High Risk Wireless World

Informational Town Hall Meeting on Proposed Closure of Morro Strand State Beach

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