Slo Coast LifeJune 2011
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Surfer Girls
Surf Girls by Mike Baird

Harmony Pit Stop
Harmony Outhouse by Kevin Cole

Cedar Waxwing by Cleve Nash

Earthly Images
Montana de Oro by Earthly Images

Maggie Smith
Double-crested, Brandt, and Pelagic Cormorants by Maggie Smith

Chuck Abbe
Back Tomorrow by Chuck Abbe

Frankie & Lolas
Best Breakfast Around!

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Behind the Badge by Richard Hannibal

Talk to most cops in the first year or two of their career and you will perceive a certain air of confidence, a naïve innocence of youth. Fresh from the police academy, they have all the answers and have yet to experience life's injustices. Talk to these same cops in their 5th year and beyond and there will be a quiet reluctance to share; a certain loss of innocence and a kind of impotency that comes with experiencing failure. It is accumulative.  Read More

Best Friends by Malcolm Riordan, DVM

Peer into the mysterious world of our domestic cats: the invisible ink of their scent graffiti marks our walls and furniture right beneath our noses.  When your cats rub against you, they are not just demonstrating affection (or soliciting food), they are also, in fact, tagging you.   Read More

California State Parks - A Sense of Place

"It is an incalculable added pleasure to any one's sum of happiness if he or she grows to know, even slightly, and imperfectly, how to read and enjoy the wonder-book of nature." – Theodore Roosevelt.

I have been profoundly influenced by Isak Dinesen's Out of Africa.  She described the "new moon lying on her back," and I was astonished at the description.  I had never thought of the moon that way.  To this day, when I see the crescent moon, I always look up and hear Dinesen's words which have been added to my own "Wonderbook of Nature. Learn and Play More

Double Vision by By Shana Ogren

While serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi, Africa, I spent two years attempting communication.  As a strongly direct, clear, and specific speaker (very American), I began to learn the difficult meaning of indirect communication.  Read More

Far Horizons by John Bullaro

The world is full of naysayers, non thinkers, and logic twisters—the world is flat, the moon landing was staged, the Holocaust never happened. Fortunately, these nutty ideas have not as yet found their way into our public school curricula.   Read More

Feel Better Forever by Brian Dorfman

I began my first article in this series with the story of a 58-year-old man who had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his left knee and was, according to his doctor, looking at a total knee replacement as the only way to solve the problem.  We were, however, able to resolve his case quickly and completely through massage, stretching and manual manipulation of the effected joint. How can this be?  Read More

Free Live Music

Remember that place in Pismo that used to be called Two Blocks From the Beach?  Perfect name, since that's where it was, at the corner of Dolliver and Main. Then it was The Grub Zone for awhile, and for a few months this year, The Famous Alley Cat—nightly jazz music and an eclectic cajun menu.  Music was served up free almost every night, with talent ranging from Cal Poly student ensembles to nightclub circuit veterans. Read More

Now it's Baku—a sushi place.  But don't tell all those musicians from The Famous Alley Cat schedule.  The music goes on with many of the same players, as Baku continues to present free live music six nights a week, keeping the emphasis on jazz.

Grow, Learn, Eat by Gibsy Beckett

"The One-Block Feast, An Adventure From Yard to Table" are the words Sunset Magazine used to describe the competition my neighbors and I have embarked upon since late March of this year.  We have miraculously organized eight families (15 adults, 16 kids, and 12 chickens) to plant, grow, brew, dry, grind, and forage our own ingredients for one meal in the fall of this year.There are spread sheets and timetables, planting deadlines and watering schedules.  The word adventure implies a carefree foray into the unknown, a far cry from the truth when collaborating neighbors, families, schedules, and their gardens with mother nature! Read More 

Heaven Can Wait

A $6,200 donation from the San Luis Obispo chapter of 100+ Women Who Care will help Heaven Can Wait, an equine sanctuary for healing and learning in San Miguel.

In Sight - A Community Can by Jennifer Blonder

Community. It's something we are all a part of. It's something we sometimes forget the power of. Our local beach community is so precious, so powerful, and so caring that it came together again for the fourth year in a row to support education and promote the health of our beaches—the very heart center of our community. Read More

Medical Myth Busting by Dr. Steven Sainsbury

As you pick up your six-year-old twins from kindergarten, you notice that they are unusually excited. They run far ahead of you down the sidewalk to your car, and can barely stay still long enough for you to buckle them into their car seats. Chattering with you the entire way home, they rarely stop to even take a breath. As you pull into the driveway, you remember that today was a special holiday party in their classroom. Read More

Observations of a Country Squire by George Zidbeck

When I left Panama back in 1944 with my mother and three younger siblings, I had no song in my heart, nor was Panama my life. For thirteen years, the American Canal Zone held my attention, and soon I'd be in California to start a new life. I suspected that I'd not return to my hometown neighborhood in Balboa or ever see my young friends again. That suspicion proved true through my adolescence and early adulthood.  Read More

Surfing Out Of The Box by Paul Finley

can clearly remember the pivotal moment in my life of standing up on my surfboard and going down the line of a wave for the first time. It's funny to actually write out these words, almost like a confession of sorts, but that little moment has shaped my life and played a part in most of my life decisions since. Some people are just naturally drawn towards a particular thing. In nature and wildlife, these loving commitments can always be built upon. They will always be fresh and always provide a scene of wonder and intrigue if we allow our minds and hearts to be humbled by the vast creativity of this painting that we find ourselves in. Read More

Under the Tongue by Christine Neilson

The Cambria chatter throughout the month of May was cluttered with controversy. The Cambria Community Service District (CCSD) Director's firing of the fire department chief lead to CCSD's Board of Directors conducting both a public and closed door meeting. A public outcry to fire CCSD's director, Tammy Rudock, after a multitude of complaints about her abrasive management style and bloated salary (highest in SLO County's Service Districts) ended in her employment demise. So a revolving door brought the fire chief, Mark Miller, back to his post and sent Rudock packing. Read More

Upcoming Political Events

The El Moro Democratic Club will view the documentary "A Question of Power" at its regular 3rd Tuesday meeting, June 21. Read More

Site Menu

The Business of the Journal
About the Slo Coast Journal
Just for Fun
Letters to the Editor
Stan's Place
Writers Index

The Business of Our Towns
Community Calendar
Morro Bay Library Events
Morro Bay Police File
Quotable Quotes

It's Our Nature
A Bird's Eye View
Coastland Contemplations
Elfin Forest
Marine Sanctuaries
Ocean Creatures
Sweet Springs Reflections

Slo Coast Arts
Art Talk
Genie's Pocket
Great Shots
One Poet's Perspective
Opera SLO

Slo Coast Life
Behind the Badge
Best Friends
California State Parks
   — A Sense of Place
A Community Can
Double Vision
Far Horizons
Feel Better Forever
Free Live Music
Grow, Learn, Eat
Heaven Can Wait
Medical Myth Busting
Observations of a Country Squire
Surfing Out of the Box
Under the Tongue
Upcoming Political Events

News, Editorials & Commentary
Could Morro Bay Power Plant Run Forever?
A Multi-Million Dollar Missed Opportunity
—Nuclear Neighbors Waking Up
Oil Tanks Removal at Power Plant Postponed
 —PG&E Whistleblower Fingers Diablo Safety Dangers
Questions Surround New Wastewater Treatment Plant Plan
Tragedy of the Commons Revisited:
The High Tech-High Risk Wireless World

Informational Town Hall Meeting on Proposed Closure of Morro Strand State Beach

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