NewsOctober 2013
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Irons Responds to Recall Move

Monday, September 30, 2013, Morro Bay Mayor Jamie Irons filed a response to the recall petition with the city clerk of Morro Bay and served Bill Peirce, one of the petitioners.  "I can only assume that this recall is a politically-motivated action that might require Morro Bay residents go to the polls three times in 2014," Irons stated.  "It does not make sense, especially given how vague the grounds are and that it was initiated with few facts and much emotion."

Irons answered the grounds for recall point by point including saying he has improved openness and transparency by allowing public comment on every agenda item, changing a long-standing practice in Morro Bay that limited comments to three minutes at the start of meetings.  Under Irons leadership waterfront leases are now addressed in open session instead of behind closed doors.

On his handling of the application to the California Coastal Commission for a permit to build a new wastewater treatment plan on the coast, Irons states he has been consistent.  "During my campaign I told the voters that if the Coastal Commission approved the project at its current site, I would support their decision.  The Coastal Commission denied the project and we are moving forward with public workshops and community input to examine alternative projects including site, technology, and cost."

Regarding his actions to call a closed session to discipline, dismiss or release Morro Bay’s city manager and city attorney, Irons said, "Everything I have done has been done thoughtfully and with respect for the employees involved and the long-term best interest of the community."

In June, 2012, the community voted for a new direction and elected me mayor.  Since then I’ve worked tirelessly on behalf of our community’s and I remain committed to the city’s future.

1.    My stance on the wastewater treatment plant remains consistent.  The Coastal Commission would not permit the project at the current site.  Community input is now guiding development of a new project, site, technology, and cost.  There is no factual basis for statements about $40 million in extra cost.

2.    To date, no dismissals have occurred.  Should that occur, all necessary steps to ensure continuity and minimize disruption will be taken.

3.    I improved transparency by allowing public comment on every agenda item and addressing waterfront leases in open session.  No action, including calling special closed session meetings can occur without the majority of council consent.

4.    Staff reports are relied upon by Council members and our community to make informed decisions.  I have questioned the accuracy and content of staff reports, but I have not edited them.

5.    No building fees have been raised, nor new taxes levied.  Citizens requested and Council unanimously supported, exploration of a sales tax initiative to fund street paving.

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Anti-Firing of Lueker, Schultz Buried in Politics
Council Majority Attacked
—Irons Responds to Recall Move
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