One Poet's PerspectiveOctober
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Jane and Gene Elsdon


by Jane Elsdon

"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask." Jim Morrison




It lives in every voice behind a mask
the static of speaking through paste
of being muzzled by fuller's earth
the strains of strangers we don't want to meet
a carnival of selves chanting charms
a child now playing hide 'n seek
then chide 'n tweak
the voices from chrysalis, cairn, channeler,
and sarcophagus
dissonance and deliverance
muffled behind the black door
amethyst humming from the depths
of the dark lake.
Yes. It lives in every voice behind a mask
that song of the fallen angel seeking reinstatement,
that longing in the private voice that speaks
with a mouthful of false self
while working out building muscle
to free the self-that-is to sing in the voice
of the Self-that-wants-to-be, that-wants-to-see,
that-wants-to-soar. It lives in every voice.



It lives in every voice behind a mask
the power of speaking through dreams
of being empowered by symbol and myth
the chorus of the admired we want to embody
a royal court of selves decreeing expression
adolescents born into aristocracy
the voices from chrysalis, cairn, channeler,
and sarcophagus
ripening into reality
of resonance and harmony
emerging clearly from behind the black door
emerald notes chiming from depths
of the dark lake.
Yes. It lives in every voice behind a mask
that song of the rising god and goddess
claiming the promised inheritance,
that triumph in the private voice that speaks
with a mouthful of true self 
while working out building muscle
to free the self-that-is to sing in the voice
of the Self-that-wants-to-be, that-wants-to-see,
that-wants-to-soar. It lives in every voice.


Photographs by Gene Elsdon
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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Jane and Gene Elsdon. Do not use without express written permission.
Butterfly Banner Image by David Farris