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Walking the Central Coast

by Roe Yeager


I so enjoy walking on the beaches of the Central Coast.  It is a place for me to be with myself and reflect on life and the discoveries I may find while meandering along the sands.  It is impossible to know just what one may discover.  

Early mornings bring the awakening of the birds and their calls from the rock.  As the sun slowly makes its way up in the sky everything around stirs to life. The sounds of gulls,  falcons, and other birds fill the air.  Perhaps they are all glad they get to play another day.  I enjoy their accompanying me on my strolls.


Pelicans are a usual sight while walking on the beach and they are amazing to watch as they go about their search for food.  Their dives into the ocean seem so daring and I am always cheering them on for a successful catch.  How grand it must feel to glide through the air as they so gracefully do.

I am enamored with the variety of shore birds in the area and am unable to name all of them.  Each has their own way of gathering their meals and some make me laugh as they scurry just ahead of the waves edge to avoid being swallowed by the sea.  Tall ones, short ones, fat ones and thin ones all mingled together in their own world of gathering food to survive.


Many times, when the tide is low, I have made the walk to Cayucos and back to Morro Bay.  I usually end up with wet feet, if I am wearing shoes, since there are areas of water coming from the hills making paths of water too wide to jump across.  It is funny to me when I get my feet wet and I laugh when it happens, which is almost every time.  Barefoot is best so I can feel the softness of the dry sand and the firmness of the sand at the waters edge.  It is very invigorating and soothing at the same time.  

Many stretches are free of people and I am alone with my thoughts.  Sometimes I sing and other times I talk with myself.  It is probably best when there are no others around.  I find these walks on the beach even better than singing and having discussions with myself in the shower.  

When on the beach I am outside and I feel as though I am simply floating through the air and water without a care in the world.  Alone with nature and cleansing away anything that needs to be shed.  I laugh and cry and emote freely on the beach.  Simply being and feeling.


The weather fails to be an issue as I have all sorts of gear to suit the elements.  I remember the very first time I walked on the beach in the rain and was surprised to find the rain on my face was salty.  It made total sense, however, it was just that I had never truly thought about it before then.  Another thing to bring a smile to my face.

I guess that is what the beach does the most for me.  It brings smiles to my face, regardless of what I may see, smell, hear, taste, or feel.  It is all wondrous, magical and renewing and calls me back almost every day.  I am extremely grateful to have this opportunity available to me.  So, if you are ever out there on the beach and hear some strange sounds, not to worry, it is probably just me emoting something and feeling free.

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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Roe Yeager. Please do not use without express written permission.