aWhale Watch AdventuresOctober
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Sub Sea Tours
Sub Sea Tours Whale Watching

Captain Kevin
Captain Kevin

Whale Watch & Underwater Viewing Opportunities With Sub Sea Tours


Whale Watching

9:00 AM daily whale watching tours during school breaks – summer, winter and spring. Schedule varies for the rest of the year, but in general, tours run on weekends and holidays. We'll go Whale Watching any time we have whales, good weather and willing customers.

Tours runs two to three and a half hours. We also will run an afternoon trip, depending on weather and demand. Please call for current schedule.

Seniors (60+)/Students
Children (<12 years)


Explore Morro Bay With Sub Sea Tours

Sub Sea Tours and Kayaks offers the whole family an opportunity to observe the unmatched beauty of Morro Bay in a unique new way…under water!  The 21-passenger Coast Guard approved  (semi-submersible vessel) SSV SEAVIEW boasts a viewing room located beneath the surface of the water, with windows located on both sides of the boat and a roomy bench perfect for relaxed viewing.  With Sub Sea Tours even young children can scope out marine life like schools of fish, jellyfish and kelp, from inside the boat! You also get a chance to see our local sea otter, harbor seal and sea lion populations.  With the calm conditions of Morro Bay, the Morro Bay Sub Sea Tour provides adults and children alike with an educational and fun experience that can't be beat!

Dos Osos
Seniors (65+)/Students
Children (3 to 12 years)

Here's a sample of sightings from the September Captain's Blog:

September 3: Picked up 2 Humpbacks just outside the entrance and had a wonderful breaching display and lots of tail shots. :))

September 5: 2 humpbacks right out front of the harbor:) sealions, bottle nose dolphins, otters and harbor seals !!

September 10: Humpback Whales, Dall’s Porpoises, Common Dolphins and a calm weather forecast for the next few days!!

September 11: Great Day!! HUMPBACK WHALES, MINKE WHALES, DOLPHINS!!! Many breaches and calm seas!!

12 - Killer whales and one ver scared sealion!!! We also saw several humpbacks. :) Great trip!

18 - Tuesday we saw common dolphins riding the bow wave!! Harbor Porpoises, sea lions, sea otters, harbor seals, pelicans and many other seabirds were also seen!!

21 - 5-6 Minke Whales, half dozen bottle nose dolphins, lots of sea lions and dozens of sea otters!! Calm seas!! :))

29 - Spectacular day! Humpback whales, Harbor Porpoises, a crazy sealion, sea otters, harbor seals and a calm sea!!! :))

SubSea Tours

SubSea Tours Whale Watch

Affordable Memorial Services


We offer a private and personal ash scattering and memorial service on the ocean near Morro Bay.  We understand how difficult it can be to say goodbye to a close family member or friend, and we provide a memorable setting in which to do so appropriately. Our goal is to provide you with a suitable service. The memorial gathering can be as formal or informal as you please. Ash scattering services can be attended or unattended.

The ash scattering memorial service takes place aboard the 33ft, U.S. Coast Guard-certified, 22-passenger power catamaran Dos Osos.  The Dos Osos is owner-operated by a USCG-Captain, with a Cremated Remains Disposer Permit # CRD 609.  Each ash scattering memorial includes an official certificate marking the latitude and longitudinal coordinates of the scattering site.  The duration of a typical memorial charter is one hour, but we can accommodate any personal needs. 

For more information about ash scattering and memorial services, please contact us.

Visit Sub Sea Tours or call for more information.

Kevin & Wife
Rosemarie and Captain Kevin
Photo of Rouvaishyana used courtesy of Mike Baird
Photo of Captain Kevin used courtesy of Aprille Lipton

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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal, Rouvaishyana, and Sub Sea Tours. Do not use without express written permission.