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Steve Corey
Ladybug Sipping Morning Dew by Steve CoreyJerry Kirkhart
Clark's Grebe by Jerry KirkhartGoats
Akbash Goats near Point Buchon from Jeanie GreensfelderBayside Cafe
Bayside Cafe by Malcolm Riordan

Community News and Events

Morro Bay Seeks Pictures of the Past

 As the city's 50th anniversary approaches, Morro Bay residents are taking a look back at the people, places and events that helped make the community what it is today. Anyone with ties to the area is being asked to leaf through family photo albums and find pictures that could be used during a citywide celebration next year to mark 50 years since Morro Bay became a city on July 17, 1964. "We're particularly looking for actions shots – a fire breaking out or an event taking place," said Morro Bay photographer Garry Johnson, who is gathering photos for the celebration. "We're concentrating on the past five decades, but we're interested in photos from any period."  While pictures of the sun setting behind Morro Rock may be beautiful, they don't necessarily tell a story about the city's history. Johnson said celebration organizers are most interested in finding photos that illustrate life in the community. Read More


Morro Bay Library by Robert Fuller Davis

Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over working in teams. It is to introverts—Rosa Parks, Chopin, Dr. Seuss, Steve Wozniak-- that we owe many of the great contributions to society. In this special discussion group, let us figure out where we fit in.

Morro Bay Friends of the Library hold regular book sales to raise funds for the library. Friends also provide volunteers to support library services and operations, publish a quarterly newsletter, and maintain awareness of library needs and services throughout the community. For more information contact Red Davis at or go to Morro Bay Friends of the Library. Read More

Angel Bus
Part of America's Charitable Medical Transportation System
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News and Commentary
Anti-Firing of Lueker, Schultz Buried in Politics
Council Majority Attacked
Irons Responds to Recall Move
It Is Time to Deliver State Water to the North County of San Luis Obispo
Hi Mountain Lookout Project & the California Condor Recovery Program

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Morro Bay Library

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Practicing Poetic Justice
San Luis Obispo Wind Orchestra

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Northern Chumash Tribal Council
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