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Home The Business of the Journal Town Business It's Our Nature Slo Coast Life Slo Coast Arts Archives
Pellican and Morro Rock
Pelican and Morro Rock
by Stan Thompson
Breakthrough Studio
 Breakthrough Studio,
Los Osos by Jim Radford 
Morro Bay State Park Marina
Sunrise at State Park Marina,
Morro Bay by Kevin ColeRock Stack by Elizabeth Henderson
Rock Stack Created on Morro Rock's Southside Jetty / Photo by Elizabeth Henderson

Who We Are

The Slo Coast Journal is all about life in one of the finest, most beautiful areas of the country — the Central Coast of California. An amazing collection of eclectic, fascinating, and talented individuals from all walks of life have chosen to make this part of the world their home. Many of those who don't already live here wonder how they can make the move.

Our writers are an enthusiastic group of people who are on these pages to share their love of this special place. In case you are wondering, each is asked to pick a favorite animal for their banner. Some of the choices are a bit perplexing, but, oh well. Not only are the writers enthusiastic, they are sometimes a bit — ahh — let's say . . . unique.

We welcome your input, suggestions, and, of course, praise. You can write to your favorite columnists and contributors from this page: Writer's Index

The opinions expressed on this site, whether by a columnist, advertisement, or editorial content, do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication's management or staff. We edit. We don't dictate personal or political stances or stifle anyone's way of expressing themselves.

Ideas for Columns

Do you have an idea for an ongoing column that you would like to write? We'd love to hear it. Contact:

Submit Fiction or Poetry

We happily support local poets and fiction writers. If you would like to have a place to share your work, contact .

Submit Photographs

Do you have a photograph or three you would like to share with our site visitors? Send them along to . If they are used, you will be credited, of course, and, if you like, we will link to your site. You can also post your best images to the Flickr group Slo Coast Journal Photographs for consideration to be chosen for our Great Shots pages.

The images used on banners throughout the site are shared with us by a variety of photographers. Some do so anonymously. Where possible we like to acknowledge the talent and generosity of the photographer.

Letters to the Editor Policy

We welcome your letters and will publish them each month. Please include your name and location. When you submit a letter to the editor, we assume all rights to use your words and name as given. Opinions given are not necessarily those of the Journal, its contributors, or anyone else on the planet. We reserve the right to not publish any emails we consider to be abusive or inappropriate in content or language, are obscene, defamatory, or meant to incite violence. Keep it short. Don't use this forum for commercial purposes or violate copyrights.

It is our policy that responses and rebuttals to articles will be printed in the next issue. . Be sure and include the issue (month) of the Journal and the title of the article you are responding to in your email.

Angel Bus
Part of America's Charitable Medical Transportation System
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Site Menu

News and Commentary
Anti-Firing of Lueker, Schultz Buried in Politics
Council Majority Attacked
Irons Responds to Recall Move
It Is Time to Deliver State Water to the North County of San Luis Obispo
Hi Mountain Lookout Project & the California Condor Recovery Program

Town Business
Community Events
Morro Bay Library

Slo Coast Arts
Atascadero Writers Group
The Elements of Life
Frustrated Local Writer
Genie's Pocket
Great Shots
Mostly Music
One Poet's Perspective
Opera SLO
Practicing Poetic Justice
San Luis Obispo Wind Orchestra

Slo Coast Life
Ask the Doc
Best Friends
Beyond the Badge
Coastland Contemplations
Dear Abe
Double Vision
Feel Better Forever
Northern Chumash Tribal Council
A Roe Adventure
Surfing Through Life
Whale Watch Adventures

It's Our Nature
A Bird's Eye View
California State Parks
Elfin Forest
Marine Sanctuaries
One Cool Earth

The Business of the Journal
About Us
Letters to the Editor
Stan's Place
Writers Index

All content copyright Slo Coast Journal. Do not use without express written permission.
Peregrine Falcon Image on Banner by .