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Richard Hannibal
Richard & Friend

The Search (A Long Story)

By Richard Hannibal


He promised them Paradise. When they finally found it, tasted it, and touched it, they did not recognize it and began their search. Since they were already there, the search could only lead them away from the place they longed to be. Their true selves knew, but they allowed the emotions of their mortal bodies to lead them away.

The memory of this sacred moment began to dim as they moved further and further from the source. Their frantic search gave the illusion that they were getting closer, but they were moving farther away. The search was so intense that they barely perceived the memory of the promise that was fading, until one day it was no more. Without the memory, they lost their direction, followed by the loss of what they were seeking.

The spiritual wandering took them through the ages. The memory would come and go just enough to renew their longing. They tried to recapture the ancient feeling of peace and contentment. Many teachers came and went with the same message, "Paradise is Now." They resisted these messages, always looking ahead to a time when they would find what they were seeking. In spite of the many signs, they continued to follow the emotional compass of their mortal bodies.

The search was long and hard. They came close, but ego, fear, and ambition caused them to miss the miracle happening all around them. A brief pause and a little reflection would have ended the search, but it continued blindly, in-and-out and over-and-under. A glimpse here and there only sent them scrambling away from their intended destination.

Time passed and souls grew weary. Once again, a distant voice was heard. It became louder — they listened. He promised them Paradise. They tasted it and touched it, but did not recognize it, and returned to their frantic search.

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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Richard Hannibal. Do not use without express written permission.