Morro Bay Library
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Morro Bay Library

Morro Bay Library Upcoming Events

Morro Bay Book Discussion Groups, Friends of the Library, and Other Library Program News

by Robert Fuller Davis

Morro Bay Library
625 Harbor Street, Morro Bay

What's Happening at the Library

Books (for the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Wednesdays program only) are available for checkout in advance at the Morro Bay Library.

Morro Bay Friends of the Library holds regular book sales to raise funds for the library. Friends also provide volunteers to support library services and operations, publish a quarterly newsletter and maintain awareness of library needs and services throughout the community.

Tuesday, October 1, 9, 16, 22, 29, 10:15 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.

Pre-School Storytime (This program also meets at the same time on 9, 16, 22, 29) Join us for stories and music.

Tuesday, October 15, Library Holiday - Closed

Tuesday, October 22, 5- 7 p.m., Free iPhone Class

Basics and Advanced Functionality by Morro Bay Resident Aaron Anderson of Rock View Realty

This is another opportunity for this free hands-on workshop which is both an introduction to the iPhone and an advanced class on some of the less obvious aspects of iPhone ownership. Please call 772-6394 to Reserve your Seat.

Wednesday, October 2, 10 a.m., Noon - Calling Invisible Women by Jeanne Ray

A mom in her early fifties, Clover knows she no longer turns heads. Then Clover wakes up one morning to discover she's invisible — truly invisible. She panics--but she is crushed by the realization that neither her husband nor her children notice. She was invisible even before she knew it.

Wednesday, October 9, 10 a.m., Noon - Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over working in teams. It is to introverts—Rosa Parks, Chopin, Dr. Seuss, Steve Wozniak-- that we owe many of the great contributions to society. In this special discussion group, let us figure out where we fit in.

Please Note: For those of you who are joining us for the discussion, you can take the Quiet Quiz in advance! You can go to and click on Quiet Quiz, take it and find out your results. Or…. you can do the quiz in the book on pages 13 & 14. (Please don't mark your Library book!!!!) You will have the opportunity to share your results as part of our discussion!

Wednesday, October 16, 10 a.m., Noon, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

A heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope--a captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life . . . as only a dog could tell it.

Wednesday, October 23, 10 a.m., Noon, please join the the 4th Wednesdays Mystery Readers group as we read and discuss The Affair by Lee Child

In our last mystery discussion group for the year, let’s visit one of our favorite characters again. Everything starts somewhere. For elite military cop Jack Reacher, that somewhere was Carter Crossing, Mississippi, way back in 1997. A lonely railroad track. A crime scene. A cover-up. A young woman is dead.

Thursday, October 3, beginning @ 3:30 p.m., National Read for the Record Day Family Program & Activity

Join us as we read Otis by Loren Long during Jumpstart's premiere national campaign, Read for the Record, presented in partnership with the Pearson Foundation, where we come together to celebrate literacy and support Jumpstart in its efforts to promote early childhood education. Let's work towards the day that every child in America can enter kindergarten prepared to succeed!

Thursday, October 17 @ 10:17 a.m. , The Great California Shake Out

Participate and be prepared. Great ShakeOut earthquake drills help people in homes, schools and organizations improve preparedness and practice how to e safe during earthquakes.

Friday, October 11, 3-4:30 p.m., The Sacred Art Tour of Drepung Gomang - Family Performance

Join this special group of Monks as they provide a mixed program of chanting, music, dance and costumes and a blessing on the library remodel project. Tibetan crafts will also be available for purchase.

Friday, October 25, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Presentation by Melinda Alvarado of the California Bat Conservation Fund

Learn about this important wildlife rescue organization and how they are striving to raise awareness to protect our California bats by protecting our environment.

Saturday, October 19 , 10 a.m. - Noon, North Coast Writer's Club

The North Coast Writer's Club is here to lend support, accountability and encouragement for your writing projects - especially if you are interested in self-publishing. Bring your writing samples. More information: Bert Silva @ 771-9803 or .

For the comfort of all attending please come fragrance-free to all our programs.

For more information go to: Karen Robert, Morro Bay Book Discussion Group Coordinator & Facilitator, Library Special Events Programs or or Morro Bay Book Discussion Group. Books (for the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Wednesdays program only) are available for checkout in advance at the Morro Bay Library.

Morro Bay Friends of the Library hold regular book sales to raise funds for the library. Friends also provide volunteers to support library services and operations, publish a quarterly newsletter, and maintain awareness of library needs and services throughout the community. For more information contact at or go to Morro Bay Friends of the Library.

Site Menu

News and Commentary
Anti-Firing of Lueker, Schultz Buried in Politics
Council Majority Attacked
Irons Responds to Recall Move
It Is Time to Deliver State Water to the North County of San Luis Obispo
Hi Mountain Lookout Project & the California Condor Recovery Program

Town Business
Community Events
Morro Bay Library

Slo Coast Arts
Atascadero Writers Group
The Elements of Life
Frustrated Local Writer
Genie's Pocket
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One Poet's Perspective
Opera SLO
Practicing Poetic Justice
San Luis Obispo Wind Orchestra

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Best Friends
Beyond the Badge
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Dear Abe
Double Vision
Feel Better Forever
Northern Chumash Tribal Council
A Roe Adventure
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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Robert Fuller Davis. Do not use without express written permission.
Pipevine Swallowtail Image on Banner by Jerry Kirkhart