Slo Coast Arts
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Big Bad & Ugly Surf Contest
Big, Bad & Ugly Surf Contest 2009
by Kevin Cole
Morro Rock
Morro Rock by Dennis Young
USCG Surf Boat
USCG Surf Boats by Malcolm Riordan
Great Blue Heron by Nan Carder
Chuck Abbe
Thoughtful by Chuck Abbe
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Atascadero Writers Group

Every time I slid the little tin door on the little tin shed, a number of honey bees would appear and fly agitated, mock threatening trajectories around me.  I was emptying the shed because I planned on renting a Bobcat excavator to dig out my severely sloping backyard. It would have to move.   . . .         Read More

The Elements of Life by Lucille Bosco

Stargazing is a magnificent way to add a new dimension to the breadth of your life. Partaking of this simple act still brings an overwhelming feeling of awe at the expansiveness of our galaxy. I applaud the astronomers/astrologers, both ancient and modern. Without their dedication our lives would feel flat and small. Read More

Frustrated Local Writer by Rose Marie Zurkan

Rose Marie is trying something a little different, serializing a book she has written — "The Evil Men Do." Each month she will be sharing a chapter with you. As the months go by, you will be able to go back and re-read previous chapters if you wish to. Read More

Genie's Pocket by Jeanie Greensfelder

I want to be the whale breaching, and then
be me, breathless with stories to share.           Read More

Great Shots by Jerry Kirkhart & Steve Corey

Our photo editors bring you some of their favorite coastal images for the month. This month's featured local photographers are Rich Miller, Mimi Ditchie, Howard Ignatius, Marlin Harms, Dawn Beattie, Mike Baird, Jerry Kirkhart, Steve Corey, Rob DeGraff, Ronnie Goyette, Breedie Savage, Mike Bush, Aprille Lipton, Linda Tanner, James Crawford, Rick Derevan, Fred Moore, Sylvia Sanchez, bob Canepa, Greg Smith, Donald Quintana, Beth Sargent, Teddy Llovet, Anita Ritenour, Dave Lawrence, Michelle Maani, and Dagmar Collins. See More

Mostly Music by Dawn Starr

Judy Philbin smilingly sings a sublime samba to the delight of the audience. Whether performing to a concert audience or restaurants and wineries, Judy relishes the opportunity to be energized and inspired by her listeners. She is excited about her newly released CD, Keeping It Simple, in which she collaborated with local talented guitarist and composer, Adam Levine.  Read More

One Poet's Perspective by Jane Elsdon

"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask." Jim Morrison   Read More

Opera SLO by Kathryn Bumpass

OperaSLO is pulling out all the stops for what's being called The Carmen Project, a major collaborative undertaking by classical performing groups in San Luis Obispo. Bizet's opera requires more than just singing. A large and colorful orchestra, ballet dancers, a children's chorus, and a large adult chorus are also essential parts of the production. Read More

Practicing Poetic Justice by Deborah Tobola

Maybe you've watched Lockup or Orange is the New Black and you wonder if that's what prison is really like. Now you can experience prison for yourself — and solve a murder mystery during your visit. Poetic Justice Project's upcoming production of In the Kitchen With a Knife is a participatory murder mystery set in prison. Read More

San Luis Obispo Wind Orchestra by Kathryn Bumpass

What is the San Luis Obispo Wind Orchestra and what's a wind orchestra anyway? The SLO Wind Orchestra is a performing ensemble made up of highly trained musicians playing woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments and directed by Dr. William Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Music at Cal Poly. Read More

Shutterbugs by David Holmes

So far as I can tell, many of us come to photography from different perspectives — a desire for self-expression, a need to capture some of the splendor we see around us, or just a wish to preserve some special memories. Read More


Howard Ignatius
Valencia Peak Panorama by Howard Ignatius
Site Menu

News and Commentary
Anti-Firing of Lueker, Schultz Buried in Politics
Council Majority Attacked
Irons Responds to Recall Move
It Is Time to Deliver State Water to the North County of San Luis Obispo
Hi Mountain Lookout Project & the California Condor Recovery Program

Town Business
Community Events
Morro Bay Library

Slo Coast Arts
Atascadero Writers Group
The Elements of Life
Frustrated Local Writer
Genie's Pocket
Great Shots
Mostly Music
One Poet's Perspective
Opera SLO
Practicing Poetic Justice
San Luis Obispo Wind Orchestra

Slo Coast Life
Ask the Doc
Best Friends
Beyond the Badge
Coastland Contemplations
Dear Abe
Double Vision
Feel Better Forever
Northern Chumash Tribal Council
A Roe Adventure
Surfing Through Life
Whale Watch Adventures

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