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by David E. Holmes


So far as I can tell, many of us come to photography from different perspectives — a desire for self-expression, a need to capture some of the splendor we see around us, or just a wish to preserve some special memories.

For me it's both an opportunity to simply see how things that seem remarkable look when they're transformed into photographs, combined with a fascination with light. Frankly, I'm never quite sure which objects (or people) will give me amazing photographs until I look at the final image.


Along with those desires, some of my photographs serve as a springboard to think about some of the deeper things in life — like the impermanence of the world around us and what we consider to be beautiful or ugly.

For example, the photograph of the leaf takes an object that nearly all of us would walk by without noticing or — if we noticed it at all — would never consider especially remarkable, and tries to look at it truly closely and to draw out the incredible loveliness of something that is, in fact, soon to no longer be with us.

Water Ramp
Water Ramp
Flat Leaf

The photograph of the wrapping paper in a box is similar — a found object looked at in a special way.

What looking closely at everyday objects like this does for me is to enhance my appreciation, not only for the hidden beauty around us, but, even more importantly, to remind me of our wonderful ability to see beauty and to extract that out of the world around us.

Time and the River
Time and the River
Sleeping Rock
Sleeping Rock
Life Recycles
Life Recycles

The ancient tree in the river, the sleeping rock in that same river and the twisted ancient bristlecone pine branches, are more in the classical Ansel Adams, John Sexton tradition, and try to enhance and preserve emotionally striking natural scenes. In that respect, I certainly can't say that my approach is original and just hope that I've done justice to what I saw before me.

Prophed and His Bicycle
Prophet and His Bicycle

And sometimes I just see odd stuff, like the scene of the scarecrow shirts in a field up by Santa Margarita, and I just can't stop myself pulling over and preserving that sight!

I photograph primarily in black and white, in part because I find that view of the world to be the most esthetically fascinating and because it reduces the photographic viewpoint to it's most basic and simple elements, just concentrating on light and dark. But if a scene is really about the colors, I'm glad to try to capture that too.

I just hope that seeing these images gives you as much pleasure as I had in making them!

Twisted in Time
Twisted in Time

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Here on the Shutterbugs page, some of our best local photographers share their passion for capturing beautiful and fascinating images. Some images are cropped to fit our format. You will find more of their work on various photo sites and in our own Great Shots section. Some images are cropped to better fit this page.

Previous Shutterbugs include Fred Moore, Mimi Ditchie, Alice Cahill, Gary Powell, Ken Bondy, Sylvia Sanchez, Donald Quintana, Beth Sargent, Don Henderson, Jerry Kirkhart, Steve Corey, Linda McDonald, Catherine Ryan Hyde, Ronnie Goyette, Dorothy Cutter, Aiden Briggs, Devra Cooper, Ashala Tylor, Marlin Harms, Howard Ignatius, Elizabeth Haslam, Mike Baird, and Linda Tanner.
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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and David E. Holmes. Do not use without express written permission.