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Lucille Bosco

White Hawk Medicine Woman
Dreamcatchers Creative Services
PO Box 1401
Cambria, CA 93428
Each day we awaken with the faith that with daybreak the Sun will shine its light upon the earth as the dawning of a fresh new day with all its possibilities. As your Astro Guide, I will highlight significant planetary shifts that will be occurring during the current month that will prove to be interesting and helpful as you express yourself in the world.

October 2013 Forecast

by Lucille M. Bosco

"In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west;
people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true."

Stargazing is a magnificent way to add a new dimension to the breadth of your life. Partaking of this simple act still brings an overwhelming feeling of awe at the expansiveness of our galaxy. I applaud the astronomers/astrologers, both ancient and modern. Without their dedication our lives would feel flat and small. Instead, we know that there are patterns to the movements of the planetary bodies in relationship to earthly events. Through their keen observation, notation, and ultimately storytelling, the astrologers brought forth this knowledge that continues to evolve through our present day time capsule.

October holds many gifts and challenges for each of us. For the first three weeks I honor the planet of Love and Beauty, Venus, as it shines brighter than the morning Sun for just a moment before sunrise, from whence it was given the name Morning Star. This phenomenon, also, occurs a moment after the Sun sets in the evening. The ancients named it the Evening Star.

In 1581 BCE the Babylonians called Venus the "bright queen of the sky." The symbol for Venus (Venus) has been called Venus’s hand mirror. Upon further reflection we witness the rays of the Sun as the Divine spirit (circle) above matter (cross) combining in a cosmic vibration of attraction to create in nature what is beautifully displayed in the colors of the flowers or the songs of birds.

On October 4th, the New Moon moves into the cardinal air sign of Libra. The symbol for Libra (Libra) represents the Sun sinking on the horizon as night comes to dominate in the yearly cycle. The upper line symbolizes higher mental powers, while the lower line stands for material existence, issuing forth the appeal for the scales of truth and justice to ensue in our lives.

During the phase of a New Moon, it appears as if the moon has been engulfed into the deep darkness of the night sky. The stars seem bigger and brighter giving off an extra twinkle with the black drop of nothingness. At least that is the way it appears to the naked eye, adding an element of wonderment to an already mysterious cosmos.

This month we can expect an intense exploration of our relationships with the ultimate goal of seeking balance to a life that has gone amuck. What creates an atmosphere of passionate intensity is the fact that the planet Venus is transiting in the fixed water sign of Scorpio. To feel the tenor of Venus in Scorpio, here is a quote by Oscar Wilde, "I can resist everything except temptation."

Venus is joined by the planets Mercury and Saturn, who are also transiting in Scorpio. We may choose to keep our emotions in the deep freeze, fearing that to do otherwise would only result in over exposure to the truths we dare not face. The Aries Lunar Eclipse (when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned) on October 18th, throws us deeper into our unconscious shadow. We have the option to use the fire element of Aries to melt Mr. Freeze to get to the core issues or get freezer burn.

The final noteworthy aspects for October occur on October 21st, when once again the planet of communication, Mercury, goes "retrograde" through November 10th, 2013. This retrograde period gives us another chance to delve even deeper into the deep freeze of our fears and ask ourselves the hard questions. Do you live in fear? Do you fear living your best life? What secrets are eating you alive? Would these secrets expose the truth of who you really are? And is that so scary?

On October 23rd the Sun joins Mercury and Saturn stationed in the fixed water sign of Scorpio culminating with All Hallows Eve on October 31st. What a perfect opportunity to lie to rest all the scary relationships and experiences that do not provide us with the peace and serenity of a beautiful life.

Celebrate all that has come before you!

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All content copyright Slo Coast Journal and Lucille Bosco. Do not use without express written permission.