Slo Coast Life
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Harmony Pit Stop
Harmony Outhouse by Kevin Cole
Cedar Waxwing by Cleve NashSeasons Come, Seasons Go
"Seasons Come, Seasons Go" by Judy SullivanMaggie Smith
Double-crested, Brandt, and Pelagic Cormorants by Maggie SmithChuck Abbe
Be Back Tomorrow by Chuck Abbe
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Ask the Doc by Dr. Robert Swain

Dr. Bob, should I be taking calcium supplements?

A. Everyone knows calcium builds strong bones and teeth.  There are many other benefits of calcium.  The Journal of the American College of Nutrition study found that increasing your calcium intake may promote healthy weight.  The calcium may promote the reduced fat absorption by up to 70%.  Read More


Best Friends by Malcolm Riordan, DVM

That animals can sense impending earthquakes is legend. The earliest records of animals 'predicting' earthquakes by showing unusual behaviors just beforehand was chronicled in Greece, 400 BC. Rats, weasels, snakes, and centipedes had been seen – it was written — to depart their niches for safety several days before a destructive earthquake.  Read More

Beyond the Badge by Richard Hannibal

He promised them Paradise. When they finally found it, tasted it, and touched it, they did not recognize it and began their search. Since they were already there, the search could only lead them away from the place they longed to be. Their true selves knew, but they allowed the emotions of their mortal bodies to lead them away. Read More

Coastland Contemplations by Michele Oksen

Published as small booklets, as part of nautical almanacs, on the internet, and in some newspapers, tide tables help you plan adventures at the ocean. One such adventure might be the exploration of tide pools. Read More

Dear Abe by George Zidbeck

A Foreword: A few months back I mentioned an intent to start writing a novel come fall. To that end, I announced the end of my subaltern Country Squire, and inserted an alter ego identified as Dear Abe, an advice columnist. The new format came close, but fell short. Read More

Double Vision by Shana Ogren

Another baby prepares to join me in life this month.  The end of this pregnancy is hard.  My stomach is about to burst and it takes a large effort to make the smallest movements.  I still vomit from continued morning sickness about three times a week, and my back is sore from carrying this child.  Yet I'll take it, perhaps time and time again.  Read More

Feel Better Forever by Brian Dorfman

An endless balancing act exists between the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), "fight or flight", and the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), "relaxation response". These two systems act equal and opposite each other and regulate our breathing, heart rate, circulation, hormones, and digestion.  Read More

The Human Condition by John Bullaro

Most people are born or adopted into a legal family. Some families are large with many children, others are small—as in a one parent family. What we've come to know is that legal families do not automatically make a healthy support group. Read More

Northern Chumash Tribal Council by Fred Collins

The Northern Chumash Tribal Council has started grassroots collaboration between the Marine Sanctuary Alliance (MSA), Santa Lucia Chapter of Sierra Club, SLO Chapter of Surfrider Foundation, COAST, and others, for this great project and we invite your support. Our offshore waters have qualified for sanctuary designation since 1990. Now, with new marine sanctuaries possible, we propose the California Central Coast Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. Read More

A Roe Adventure by Roe Yeager

Early mornings bring the awakening of the birds and their calls from the rock.  As the sun slowly makes its way up in the sky everything around stirs to life. The sounds of gulls,  falcons, and other birds fill the air.  Perhaps they are all glad they get to play another day.  I enjoy their accompanying me on my strolls. Read More

Surfing Through Life by Paul & Katie Finley

We had a beautiful swell light up the coastline a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, I was out of the water for the better part of last month due to a minor operation and trying my very best to follow doctor's orders. Read More

From War to Peace

As our world's most extreme recyclers, From War to Peace has decided to make the hippest, most meaningful jewelry created on our planet affordable to all in these challenging economic times. Two-thirds of all FWTP jewelry offerings will now retail for less than $30.

Site Menu

News and Commentary
Anti-Firing of Lueker, Schultz Buried in Politics
Council Majority Attacked
Irons Responds to Recall Move
It Is Time to Deliver State Water to the North County of San Luis Obispo
Hi Mountain Lookout Project & the California Condor Recovery Program

Town Business
Community Events
Morro Bay Library

Slo Coast Arts
Atascadero Writers Group
The Elements of Life
Frustrated Local Writer
Genie's Pocket
Great Shots
Mostly Music
One Poet's Perspective
Opera SLO
Practicing Poetic Justice
San Luis Obispo Wind Orchestra

Slo Coast Life
Ask the Doc
Best Friends
Beyond the Badge
Coastland Contemplations
Dear Abe
Double Vision
Feel Better Forever
Northern Chumash Tribal Council
A Roe Adventure
Surfing Through Life
Whale Watch Adventures

It's Our Nature
A Bird's Eye View
California State Parks
Elfin Forest
Marine Sanctuaries
One Cool Earth

The Business of the Journal
About Us
Letters to the Editor
Stan's Place
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