Letters to the Editor
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Dear Editor,

From: Julie Steinbach

Have been receiving your fine journal ever since learning about it from Lynne Harkins, whose work you featured some time back.  She's a friend from when I lived 1986-1998 in Cambria, where I rented my house until selling it last year.  Am now in Claremont, where I've become friends with the aunt of Shana Ogren, whom I've never met but truly enjoy her pieces -
and always relay to her Aunt Donna, to her delight as well.

From my teaching years at CMC, I know Deborah Tobola, so always check her pieces - and greatly appreciate the exposure you give her extraordinary
work and commitment.

With this issue  I looked at the link to Atascadero Writers Group, thinking of one specific candidate I'd known in my Cambria years.  Instead was surprised to see the piece by former colleague Elizabeth Buckner. Again, what a fine forum you provide.

Just one sorta-minimal-reader's feedback.

Meanwhile, carry on!

Vince Cicero
Photo by Vince Cicero
Morro Rock Morning

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Morro Rock Morning
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Morro Rock Morning
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Quiet Day at the MB Harbor
Linda Tanner
Photo by Linda Tanner
We welcome your letters and will publish them here each month. Please include your name and location. We assume all rights to use your words and name as given.

Regarding last month's letter: From: John Kaufman Morro Bay

For those of you who didn't get to Letters to the Editor last month, John wrote:

You have got to be kidding me! An astrology column??? That's the kind of crap found in publications written for morons and the easily duped. What's next? An Aliens From Mars Looking for Gay Love section??

I responded:

Dear John,

Open your mind, take a deep breath, and allow for the possibility that intelligent, well-read people can be interested in and even accept the possibility that there is more to life than 2+2=4. Lighten up.

Now, as to that looking for love section you are pining for, I do love my gay friends, but none have a clue where to find a Martian lover for you. Sorry about that. Check back.

Your Ever Open-Minded
and Amused Editor

It is only fair to let you know that John and I had another exchange of emails - these he asked me to keep confidential. But, what you should know is that John wanted to express his regret for spreading a narrow-minded view. He apologizes and promises to be a regular reader of "The Elements of Life," keeping an open mind and heart as he does so.

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